We have partnered with Orange Theory Fitness of Harrisonburg on Mission 171!

Here’s how it works. Orange Theory Fitness participants are encouraged to run a 5K / 10K or 5 miles or 10 miles; then donate either $1/$5/$10 per mile they ran. We are excited to see our local community participate in feeding those in need in our community!

The proceeds will go to Hope Distributed Mission 171 funds. For only $171, Hope Distributed can feed “1” family for “7” days a week for “1” entire year! That is 12 months of blessings that you can deliver to a family in our community.  http://give171.com/OTF

The true measure of a people’s strength is how the rise to meet a challenge when it arrives. But every time we think we have measured our capacity in meeting a challenge, we look up and we are reminded that this capacity may, very well, be limitless.  Help us sustain hope in a time of fear and anxiety. Visit http://give171.com/OTF